Horeca project
Strategies to Improve the Qualification
of Hotel Restaurant Catering Staff
on Food Safety and Hygiene Practices
Erasmus + project
KA220-VET – Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training

Objectives of the project:
♦ Support workers in the HORECA sector and reduce unfair competition in food marketing.
♦ Provide education and training opportunities for HORECA workers with low qualifications.
♦ Increase the job skills of HORECA workers who have fewer opportunities by improving their key skills.
Tools and strategies:
The tools and strategies that will be developed will enable the acquisition of new professional, social and intercultural skills thanks to the comparison with other European trainers, interpersonal skills in new work contexts; intercultural and European sensitization; language skills related to the language spoken in the host country and/or English, ICT skills derived from the use of digital and multimedia tools, etc.