About the project Horeca
Objectives of the project:

The main goal of the project is to raise HORECA workers’’ digital awareness related to food safety and hygiene practices.
Based on the main goal the specific objectives of the project are:
- To support conscious HORECA workers, reduce unfair competition on food marketing
- To provide learning and training opportunities for low skilled HORECA workers
- To increase the work capacities of Horeca workers who have less opportunities by improving their key competences
Impact of the project
Project partners will provide high-quality communication and cooperation with the primary stakeholders and the provision of project outputs to many end-users via these stakeholders. so they will ensure that the multiplier effect is high.
Impact on professionals:
For professionals who work in the sector to have the training, tools and strategies will have:
- Acquisition of new professional, social and intercultural competences, thanks to the comparison with other European educators of strategies and educational approaches, sharing with other colleagues
- Ability to integrate and adapt to the international workplace, the ability to adapt to change and the flexibility to work
At European level, providing them with:
- Interpersonal skills in new work contexts;
- Intercultural and European sensitization;
- Language skills or related to the spoken language in the host country and/or English, the working language.
- Skills or ICT derived from the great use of digital and multimedia tools used during the project and the use of all communication languages, iconic, conventional and emotional.
Impact on HORECA workers:
Developed materials are directly related to HORECA workers not only in the countries of project partners but also in every part of Europe, because developed strategies aim to improve the quality and efficiency of training environments, especially in the fields of enhancing communication, improving the quality of environments will increase the opportunities of living a better and comfortable life in Europe. With the increase of those studies on food safety, HORECA workers will find a chance to gain reaching easily to the required materials. Those studies will contribute to reduce scattered information in terms of using healthy food to assist these food consumers
- Pilot Trial: Pilot laboratories will Be Carried Out In Each Partner Country Testing The R1, R2,R3
- Meetings With Stakeholders: Their contributions will guarantee a better progression during the project.
- Multiplier Events: In the last months of the project, each partner will organize 1 Multiplier Event which will consist of panels during which all results will be shared and introduced to stakeholders, local target groups, and visitors.
- The website of the project, in English and all National Languages
- Newsletters
In complementing the results, the partners will also deliver the following results:
- Project Management and Quality Plan
- Sharing, Exploitation, and Sustainability Plan
- Minutes following each partner project meetings (3 F2F and 2 Online)
- Reports (e.g. activity, financial, sharing & promotion, Progress, Interim, Final)
- The Project logo, website, FB, Instagram, and Youtube channel, 3 Newsletters,
- 350 users to access the online platform
- All materials will be produced in English and in all partner languages